Things to Consider Regarding the Possibility of Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Wichita KS

by | Apr 29, 2016 | Dental

Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Wichita KS is usually done by an oral surgeon, since it often involves having to remove impacted teeth. If the extraction is more straightforward, a family dentist or pediatric dentist often can do the task. Non-impacted wisdom teeth commonly are left in place, but if a tooth grows in and begins crowding the others, it may be advisable to have it extracted.

If oral surgery is not involved, the dentist may provide intravenous sedation, sometimes called twilight sleep. The patient may not actually fall asleep, but becomes very relaxed and doesn’t feel any anxiety or discomfort. Oral surgery often is done under general anesthesia. This tends to be easier for both the patient and the surgeon.

Before any decisions are made about Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Wichita KS the family dentist or pediatric practitioner takes panoramic X-rays and evaluates the way the teeth are growing in. If all four wisdom teeth are growing in straight and in proper place, and if the patient’s mouth is large enough to easily accommodate these teeth, the teeth may be left alone.

Decisions have to be made when one or more of the teeth will likely cause problems. Removing those teeth will likely be considered necessary, but the decision will involve whether to extract the non-problematic wisdom teeth at the same time. This is often done as a problem-preventing strategy, since wisdom teeth are prone to cavities and infection. They are so far back in the mouth that they are difficult to clean thoroughly. In addition, the earlier these teeth are removed, the easier it is for dentist to extract them. Later on, the roots become fully formed and completely lodged in the jawbone.

A dentist with a practice such as Wichita Pediatric Dentistry can consult with patients and parents about what the X-rays show. In many cases, the problems are very obvious, even to teenagers and their parents. The X-ray might show an impacted wisdom tooth growing in almost perpendicular to the adjacent tooth, for example. There really is no way to resolve that problem aside from extracting the tooth.

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